What are Invisalign Clear Aligners?
Invisalign clear aligners are customized per the requirements of a user. Once you’ve consulted your doctor and decided to opt for Invisalign treatment, your dentist will take you through the whole procedure step by step. With the help of a 3D scanner, dentists capture the exact shape of your teeth. Next, the mapping software calculates the right amount of force required to move the teeth. The derived shape is then replicated using a soft material to ensure a snug fit. When fully made, the aligners are trimmed as per your gum line to enhance the comfort and feel. The set is then delivered to the user along with a custom treatment plan. Once your teeth achieve the desired position, you will be required to wear teeth retainers for a while to prevent your teeth from shifting back to the initial position. These retainers are much stronger and hold the teeth in place while the jawbone reforms.
How Long Will it Take for Results to Show?
The duration of usage depends upon how complex the shift in alignment is. You will, however, start noticing results within a matter of weeks. Invisalign aligners are much better and comfortable than braces, which makes them a preferred choice. Owing to the latest advancements in technology, these aligners have a clear appearance that makes them almost invisible and are strong enough to correct the positioning of your teeth. Numerous people across the globe trust Invisalign for its effect and reliability.
Usage and Care
It is recommended to wear these aligners for up to 22 hours a day for best results. You can wear them to work, date nights, parties, at home, and while doing any sort of activity. These aligners won’t hamper your daily activities at all and are virtually invisible, making it impossible for people to notice that you’re wearing them. At first, you may feel a slight pressure on your teeth while wearing the aligners, eventually, all the discomfort will fade away. Make sure to clean your Invisalign clear aligners daily, before going to bed. It will ensure proper oral hygiene and teeth alignment. If you have any queries going forward, you can reach out to us to know more about the Invisalign treatment.
Cheap Invisalign London
Patients are often looking for cheap Invisalign in London, we completely except that most people want to pay the minimum amount possible for any treatment, but we prefer to look at this as a value. What value do you get from having cheap Invisalign London? Cheap treatment isn’t always the best treatment is very often practices can miss out crucial steps in the Invisalign process. Our best advice is to contact a practice, have a chat with a reception team and see if you feel we are the practice for you. It’s also worth noting that if you’re looking to pay monthly for Invisalign then we offer are Pay Monthly Invisalign finance service. This can include 0% finance and over 10 months, and can make Invisalign or are really affordable option.
Can you get Invisalign on NHS?
While you can avail general orthodontics services at NHS, you may not be able to get Invisalign on NHS. The few services you can avail at the National Health Service UK are: restoration of teeth Using Crowns and Bridges, treatment of Dental Abscess, Dentures, General Orthodontics, Root Canal Treatment, Scale and Polish, removal of Wisdom Tooth, and White Fillings.
What is the average cost of Invisalign braces?
The cost of Invisalign clear aligner braces differs depending upon the complexity of repositioning the teeth and the dentist’s pricing scheme. However, the average cost of Invisalign braces ranges between £1500 and £5000, or even more.
Can Invisalign make my teeth fall out?
No, Invisalign treatment does not make your teeth fall out. The clear aligners are made to remain gentle on the teeth yet have a consistent action on their position, eventually straightening them out.
Can I pay for Invisalign monthly?
Yes, you can pay for Invisalign monthly. We also offer 0% interest for 10 months allowing flexible monthly payment for Invisalign treatment, other than the regular payment methods. It is a much more affordable and preferred option chosen by many patients as it gives you the flexibility to pay a fixed and small part of the total cost every month, through the course of your treatment. You can even check the price for Invisalign at Wandsworth by contacting us.
How long does it take to get straight teeth with Invisalign?
The duration of getting straight teeth depends upon the complexity of your case. However, it takes anywhere from three to six months or more to get straight teeth with Invisalign. You may be able to see visible effects within a few weeks, though.
Is it better to get braces or Invisalign?
The choice of braces or Invisalign treatment depends upon your own choice. Being the latest technology, and quite an efficient one, most people choose Invisalign treatment over braces. However, if you want an inexpensive treatment for getting straighter teeth, you can opt for metallic braces. Invisalign treatment is much more painless but costlier than metal braces. Here are some other comparison pointers that can help you decide which treatment to choose: Metal braces aren’t removable, but Invisalign clear aligners can be worn and removed easily Braces are visible on your teeth. Invisalign transparent aligners are not Metal braces take much more time to straighten your teeth compared to Invisalign Braces are extremely efficient at fixing severely misaligned teeth compared to Invisalign
How do you clean your Invisalign trays?
To clean your Invisalign trays, simply remove the clear aligner from your teeth. Warm half a bowl of water and add hydrogen peroxide to the remaining half, after removing it from heat. Place the Invisalign trays overnight or for a couple of hours inside the solution. This will dissolve their cloudy colour, making them clear and shiny again. Pull them out of the solution and use a toothbrush dipped in baking soda to clean any kind of stain or patch left. You must clean your Invisalign trays once a day. Other than this, you must rinse your Invisalign clear aligners with lukewarm water whenever you take them out. This will prevent bacterial buildup inside the trays.
Can you eat & drink with Invisalign?
You must not eat or drink with Invisalign clear aligners on your teeth. While food doesn’t affect the quality of clear aligners, consuming drinks and edibles with Invisalign on can discolour them. Besides this, minute crystal-like edibles like sugar, popcorn, and starch can get trapped between teeth and aligners, increasing the risk of tooth decay and germ buildup inside the transparent tray. However, you can safely consume water with your Invisalign on. Invisalign clear aligners are not designed to withstand chewing.